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  1. You’re not utilising progressive overload: to see changes you need to consistently be challenging your body so that it can adapt. This can be done by gradually increasing the resistance, reps or sets use, decreasing rest periods and/or increasing time under tension.

  2. Poor/incorrect form: if you’re doing an exercise with poor form, you may not be using the correct muscle groups and could be risking injury. It is important to focus on getting the technique before increasing weight – focus on mind muscle connection to ensure that you’re activating the correct muscle groups, and filming your workouts will help you to see where you need to improve.

  3. You’re not getting enough sleep: when you exercise you create microtears in the muscles which repair and adapt to get stronger when you rest. Getting enough sleep (7-9hours) will also help to stabilise appetite and boost metabolism.

  4. Lack of consistency and patience: without consistency, the body has a harder time adapting and we tend to fall out of positive habits, instead choosing the easier option. To achieve our goals, we need to consistently focus on hitting the basics (exercising, getting enough sleep, quality nutrition etc) day in and out for months without falling off the wagon or yo-yoing back and forth.

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